The blog of a North Country Swede!

Friday, April 25, 2008


"A Queens judge on Friday acquitted three detectives charged in the shooting of Sean Bell, who died on his wedding day in a hail of 50 police bullets."

Sean Bell is shot to death
in New York City
outside a strip bar
at four A M.

By the police
firing fifty shots

Sean Bell wasn't the one
the police thought had the gun.

Only the police had guns.

Fifty shots!

One police officer emptying, reloading, emptying ...


Thirty-0ne shots among fifty shots!

Only the police had guns.

Sean Bell wasn't even the one
they thought had the gun.


Are you kidding me?

Note: I will research the testimony on the sequencing of the 31 shots by the police officer who emptied his gun then reloaded to be able to keep firing. It is the dramatic heart of this poem ... -hgl