The blog of a North Country Swede!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Learning to live in the world

There are some basic things to think about.

One of them is that I experience my world as ongoing. Today arises out of yesterday and proceeds into tomorrow. I imagine that if the chain of events ever stopped, there would be nothing. Thus, I imagine that because there is something, it is eternal.

Is there really something or is it a mirage? Ah, even a mirage would be "something". I think, therefore I exist, as in the translation of Sartre's quote of Decartes', Cogito Ergo Sum ... I think therefore I am.

Another thing, I existed before I became aware of my existence. And my earliest observations were of others explaining my world to me as I went about discovering it. Before I ever felt the joy or pain of my own explorations, I was directed through my world by the physical expression of freedom or restraint of others in my life. I was informed by others—whom I had no reason to doubt—of what was beneficial, nuetral, or harmful.

As my consciousness was formed, I was forming the emotional bonds and barriers with my world based on the emotional bonds and barriers of others. Thus, when I became aware of myself, I experienced these bonds and barriers as a natural part of me.

This sense of who I am, joins me to the others in my world ... and separates me from most of the others in the world.

I must live within my world, and learn how to live in the world.

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