The blog of a North Country Swede!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

On the meaning of being a conservative

Ooh boy! Seems like we need a little lesson in the meaning of being a conservative ... don’t you think? Not naming any names, or nothing.

“To a conservative, the goal of change is less important than the insistence that change be effected with a respect for the rule of law and traditions of society.”

Now, as my favorite Conservative (with a Capital C) Columnist (’nother Capital C), Paul Mulshine of the New Jersey Star Ledger, likes to point out, Bush and Company are NOT Conservatives.

I could spend a lot of time listing all the ways the “Gang Who Can’t Shoot Straight” aren’t Conservative, but let me list two biggies: Conservatives do NOT believe in nation building and Conservatives do NOT believe in passing on current costs to future generations.

Lewis Carroll’s “Through the Looking Glass” could help us form a parallax/gestalt of the Neocons.

Simply taking some time and exploring the heritage of these so-called “brilliant” theoreticians would smoke ‘em out for the radical bunch of neo-fascists (mirroring fascism) that they are.

Briefly, the Neocons are entwined in their machinations with monopolists cloaking themselves in free market capitalism AND religion a la God as “The Invisible Hand” to avoid having to pay the cost of the damage (the externalities) of their “legal” economic system in acquiring wealth and power. (Note: Any “brilliant” economist who talks about the current economic system as “the free market” who does not also simultaneously discuss wringing externalities out of that so-called “free market” is blowing smoke--like in the second-hand smoke of the cigarette business or exhaust emissions of burning fossil fuels--up our backsides.)

The first requirement of a democratic people is that their leaders tell them the truth. In the ebb and flow of human existence there are times to be conservative, there are times to be progressive, there are times to be liberal. It is our ability to adapt to the needs of the particular epoch in which we find ourselves that allows us to continue to survive and grow while remaining a free people through abiding by such transcending ideals as laid out by our founders in our Declaration of Independence. And as the Good Book teaches in John 8:32, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

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