The blog of a North Country Swede!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Even the butterfly makes a difference ...

Written as a comment in response to the Ear to Ground coulmn "Press ignores church's role in Bush's policies", August 3 on

Maybe the mainstream media is finally wakening up to the insanity of Fundamentalist Christians (FCs) and their obsession with the Rapture aka The Second Coming of Jesus Christ aka The Return of Jesus Christ. I was raised one—an FC ... my mother actually believed her children (like me and my siblings) would witness Christ’s return. FCs believe that they will be raptured BEFORE the seven years tribulation ... so bringing about the Battle of Armageddon and the destruction of the world as we know it, is not a problem for them.

The flip side of GW’s insanity is his concept of democracy. He thinks it’s a contest with ballots instead of bullets. And whatever you do to win the election is OK, as long as you win ... THAT is the American way.

GW has absolutely no comprehension that voting is the packaging that comes with the gift of reasoning between informed participants. If their is no gift, the packaging is not simply worthless, it is a hoax.

A HUGE problem in all this is that all movements have momentum, social movements as well as physical movements ... and the Neocon movement has enough power and wealth wrapped up in it, that altering its course—let alone stoppeing it—take an tremendous amount of time and energy in oppostion.

The tendency in the face of some seemingly overwhelming struggles is for the individual citiizen to become discouraged and ask, “What can I do against such odds?”

The answer comes out of the recent understanding of chaos theory AND the two thousand year old teaching attributed to a man named Jesus: “If we have the faith of a mustard seed we can move (redirect) a mountain (a boulder rolling down a mountain).” That is, if our faith is the basis of our actions.

No one has an excuse to not do whatever he or she can. Choosing to not do anything is a choice.

Even the butterfly makes a difference.

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