The blog of a North Country Swede!

Monday, June 25, 2007

George W., you are no Harry Truman

Few things have been as disturbing as the president's now implacable belief - which he has been decreeing with increased frequency -- that he is the modern-day Harry Truman, fighting a necessary war even in the face of widespread opposition from weak and blind people in his own country and around the world, but that he is destined to be vindicated by history. And, as he sees it, the more he fights against anti-war headwinds and the bolder he is in the risks he takes, the greater his vindication will be.

To get perspective on why George W. is no Harry Truman, listen to the BBC World Service's "Winning the Peace", a series of four programs in which Former High Representative of Bosnia, Lord Ashdown, "looks at the role of the international community in ending conflicts and rebuilding countries." Paddy Ashdown "looks at cases where occupation has succeeded and where it has failed, and what lessons there are for the future."

The first of the four is of particular interest:

Part One: Germany after the War

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