The blog of a North Country Swede!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A few things about us ...

Let's get a few things straight.

We are a tribal animal. How do I (we) know that? We cannot survive as an individual nor as a family. With a solitary human being the future is obvious. The future ends in that person's death. With a family we now know that the gene pool is not robust enough to perpetuate the species.

We are a hunting animal. I would suggest that the biological basis of our human society is caught up in the alpha person leading the hunt ... and then fairly dividing the spoils of the hunt according to tribe's "rules".

Those tribal rules that increased the success of tribal activity led to a more successful tribe.

America's political genius was giving everyone in the hunt a fair reward out of the spoils of the hunt ... the counterpoint to slavery and indentured servitude.

No matter how complex things seem to get, they really stay pretty simple ... if you pay attention.

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