The blog of a North Country Swede!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cheney's offensive defense of his crimes

Ex-Vice President Dick Cheney is trying to keep himself out of prison by going on the offense against President Obma's release of the torture memos. It looks to me like Cheney has violated the law by authorizing specific acts of torture. If the call for justice gathers steam, he would be in the legal crosshairs.

The idea that we should not prosecute these heinous crimes because they are somehow in the past ... is absurd on the face of it. All crimes we prosecute have occurred in the past. We don't yet convict individuals of future crimes. Is there anything more absurd in a nation of law?

The one good thing that should come of Cheney's taking to the soapbox, is that the issue will arouse the people to cry out for justice, to punish — according to our laws — the leaders who thought they could get away with torture.

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