The blog of a North Country Swede!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

We should have figured it out a long time ago ...

We should have figured it out a long time ago to have a plan for the disposal of anything and everything we create. It's too late now. We are way past the tipping point in stuff like plastics. The biosphere is compromised with no end in sight. In fact we haven't even started to turn around. We are still going deeper into the swamp.

With all these so-called geniuses running things, you would think at least one of them would have been awake enough to ask, "What the hell are we going to do with it after we've made it and we can't use it anymore?" It's pretty damn obvious with nuclear waste ... somebody should have connected the dots on the other toxic stuff.

And that is not the only simple concept that seems to escape these great minds. But why bother? It's all about greed and the power it brings. And if you believe there is an Invisible Hand, a God in charge ... then it's not our responsibility, is it?

What absurd fools these geniuses are. I am so very glad that for at least my lifetime, freedom for the ordinary person such as myself has been prevalent enough to let me have the satisfaction and joy of anonymous liberty.

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