The blog of a North Country Swede!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

A so-called "free market" is a "free-for-all" where bullies win

Let's get some phrases that we the people can understand.

A free market is a free-for-all where bullies win. Do we really want to give up standard weights and measures and speed limits? Are we REALLY that dumb? I certainly hope not.

Do you really want me to make a profit no matter what it costs everyone else? Like, shouldn't I pay for the damage I do to you? See, if you or I are buying something in a fair market transaction, we are getting something we normally view as of equal or greater value. But what if you have to pay for your cancer caused by pollutants I dump into the environment? We already know the answer to that, you can sue me. Now what about the damage done economically by the toxic assets dumped into the economy?

Why should corporations earn profits no matter how much it costs society in real damages for the corporations to earn those profits?

Why then would anyone devise a scheme that rewards folks that caused so much damage? We -- the taxpayer -- are paying the costs of the corporations short-term profits that got distributed in bonuses and salaries in a classic Ponzi scheme that we're paying off ... it's like we made Bernie Madoff whole instead of sending him to prison.

That's an "ism" that I call "Corporationism" (I define as "protecting corporations "right" to earn a profit no matter what it costs society), AND in its current viral form, it's pretty damn evil ... speaking of evil "isms".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Lindquist:

I came across your blog googling "funneling wealth upwards and Obama" since I just came across Frank Rich's piece in the NYT this week about the ties between health care lobbyists, especially the Podestas--John and Heather--and the statistic that the unemployment ratio in this country is 6: 1.

I had to google the phrase since the charge of funneling wealth upwards is usually made against Republicans. Obama's presidency has proven that what you observe in your blog--that corporatism has eliminated the distinctions between them.

I voted for Mr. Obama hoping against hope that he would stop the tornado that continues to wreak havoc across the middle class landscape and suck everything up, but he has not. If while Katrina broke the levees, Mr. Bush looked on from the sky, Mr. Obama looks on as impassively while an invisible wind destroys the lives of millions of people in this country. Whether that wind blows from Wall Street or from the top banks of this country--Bank of America, Citigroup--two names that come to mind at this late hour--or investors like Warren Buffett and George Soros--it is nearly impossible to tell with the likes of George Geithner and Sheila Bair as the guardians of the nation's regulations.

We need to make noise, Mr. Lindquist. What a scandal.

Thank you for writing.


A concerned american