The blog of a North Country Swede!

Friday, July 16, 2010

We are becoming a fascist state.

Q: When does greed blind us to fairness?
A: Whenever it rears its ugly head.

Greed is defined by selfishness, an opposing motivation to fairness.

We must come back to understanding and applying basic, fundamental ethical values in our nation, or we face the prospect of selling our birthright of freedom-born prosperity for some new (or old) form of slavery.

Our freedom-born prosperity is based on fair compensation for our individual mental and physical efforts, our labor. Slavery is based on the minimizing of compensation for labor by the power of accumulated wealth.

Yes, it is that clear. And it is also clear which direction we are headed as a nation.

We are headed toward the ability of corporations to control the compensation for labor "based on the extreme of greed—clearly evil under the ethical values of our Judaic-Christian culture—of the for-profit business model of minimizing costs and maximizing profits." When this course is supported by government, it is fascism. Ipso facto we are becoming a fascist state.

Let me be clear in my position, "fair compensation for our individual mental and physical efforts, our labor," is not "equal" compensation. The communist slogan "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs)" repeatedly proves to be as unworkable in the extreme, as greed.

On the other hand, our definition of a civilized society is that a society's abundance in prosperity is distributed in part to those unable to satisfy certain basic needs by their own efforts. I believe this is based on our collective awareness that the "ground" out of which a prosperous nation grows, is the common commitment to and the support of a set of political and economic values ... and that a basic role of our government as a free people is to define that common set of values and apply them to our laws and policies.

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