The blog of a North Country Swede!

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Studs & Suzanne

Friday, August 20, I listened to Survival Kit hosted by Leonard Lopate at 1:30 P.M. on WNYC 93.9 FM. Studs Terkel was the guest. I was driving back from JFK Airport on Long Island where I had dropped off a friend who was flying to Asia. Instead of a stressful drive in moderate to heavy traffic back along the Beltway then across the Verrazano Narrows Bridge, Staten Island, and the Goethals Bridges, and finally north on the New Jersey Turnpike and west on Highway 78, I had a stimulating, provocative, and entertaining trip listening to Lopate and Terkel. You can read about the show and listen to it by clicking on:

Studs Terkel's Survival Kit

That evening at home I inadvertently tuned into Deborah Norville's program (9:00 P.M. on MSNBC) while she was interviewing Suzanne Somers. Before I could change the channel, I was drawn in by Somers' frank account of her childhood and what she had overcome in the way of an abusive father. This is some kind of woman! You can get to her website by clicking on:

Suzanne Somers Home Page

Together Terkel and Somers made my day.

As an afterthought: one reason I like magazines and newspapers so much is that lots of stuff I don't plan on reading or even know about snags my attention as I flip the pages. Just the information in the little ads and small articles--the filler, or whatever the technical term is--helps broaden my horizons.

P.S. Isn't Somers' website wild, or what? Gawd, ain't that something?! I didn't look at it myself until I set up the link. Blew me away! Amazing, literally amazing.

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