The blog of a North Country Swede!

Friday, October 15, 2004

Letter to Maureen Dowd

Re: Courting the Finicky Women, By Maureen Dowd, October 15, 2004

Dear Ms. Dowd:

Right on! Gawd, if these two (Bush and Kerry) are the top of their respective heaps, we need new heaps.

I think the evidence of our nation's decline is in the who's who list at the top.

Why would a mentally healthy person ever aspire to leadership in one of our public arenas? You have to deny your humanity, your natural warts, your learning experiences (aka mistakes) ... and resort to (what used to be called) air-brushing your resume.

Obviously the greedy and power hungry are applying ...

In the mix competing for the top jobs, we have the ex-Halliburton CEO and the trial lawyer, and we have "God has chosen me to be President" versus "It is my destiny to be President".

Of course, these could just be the front men for those with real power ... is there another explanation for the current political scene?

Maybe it's simply that we are a nation gone mad, drunk on our own power and wealth ... thinking we have been chosen by God because we are willing to destroy anything or anyone who gets in the way of our Manifest Destiny.

NC Swede

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