The blog of a North Country Swede!

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Letter to the New York Times Editor

Dear Editor:

Decades ago in the midst of the Vietnam War, Robert
Ardrey wrote this in his bestseller, THE SOCIAL
CONTRACT (my Fontana Library paperback edition was
first issued in 1972):

"I was writing early in 1966, when escalation of
American power in Vietnam was less than a year old and
American optimism was still a native resource.
Applying the territorial principle, I published my
conclusion that the war was unwinnable. A powerful
intruder, uninhibited by world censure, may with a
single blow annihilate a territorial defender. But an
effort to escape moral obloquy through gradual
escalation of force gives the weakest defender
opportunity to escalate his own quite incalculable
biological resources. Incapable of playing the Hitler,
we played instead evolution's fool."

We haven't learned a thing, have we. Once again we are
fighting human nature with the fervor kindled by a
religious belief. We are attacking our own mirror

Think for a moment of how we would rally to the
barricades if we were attacked! Is it so strange that
the Sunni's are doing the same thing?

Ten, twenty years from now even children will wonder
how supposedly smart leaders could have been so dumb.

N.C. Swede

Other books of interest on the subject of the biological
basis of human society are:

African Genesis
The Territorial Imperative
The Social Contract

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