The blog of a North Country Swede!

Monday, May 08, 2006

The War on Contraception - NY Times Magazine

The [May 7th] N.Y. Times Magazine delivers a devastating, in-depth report on Christian conservatives who “believe that having sex without the intent to procreate is a very, very bad thing"—and on their efforts to make all forms of contraceptives much harder to obtain.
My post in response:

Having been raised a Fundmentalist Christian as a child, I have dealt with the adsurdities of "Biblical" attitudes toward sex all my life ... first because I only knew what I knew as a child, and then as I grew older because I became aware of the contradictions between those attitudes and basic biology. I resolved the contradictions by moving away from childhood religious beliefs.

Now at the end of that journey, I have written a 3-act play that deals with it, HUNTING THE ROAD KILL MOOSE. It has had favorable workshop readings in Hoboken and Montclair, New Jersey, and I am currently planning an extended dramatic presentaion workshop for it off-off-Broadway in the Village.

In the meantime I have made the play available for non-commercial education and discussion purposes on The Blog Lattice ( ) at:

Acts II & III are accessible through the header on Act I (and reciprocally in their headers).

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