The blog of a North Country Swede!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I hear the jellyfish are making a comeback. comment #18309 by Hilding Lindquist on 8/15 at 4:21 am

What should be clear to the world by now—and for which the “wall” is the perfect icon—is that the Neocons - Rapturists- Zionists (NRZ’s) have a mindset of domination, not peaceful co-existenance.

While watching the credits roll at the end of Oliver Stone’s movie, The World Trade Center last week, I was taken in by a feeling of sorrow over the opportunity we had lost in the pursuit of world peace. I remembered the outpouring of worldwide compassion and support for my country ... that I personally refelt as the movie unfolded ... and that we have now pissed away in brutal pursuit--not just of revenge--but of power.

The choice by our Neocon inspired leadership to use this moment in history to pursue world domination rather than world peace says it all.

This is the madness that motivates these folks ... the NRZ’s as I call them.

The question becomes (which should be easily answered by a “Christian” nation): If we don’t act on behalf of peace when we are strong and can do something, when will we?

“Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.” -Matthew 5:9

Turning to the latest war between Hezbollah and Israel: It’s clear that we (the USA) were egging Israel on as a planning exercise (an experiment?) in reviewing our options vis-a-vis Iran.

Anyone who says Israel won is delusional or lying.

Yet who believes our President is not still on a path to Armageddon in the Middle East?

Forget who is right or who is wrong. When those who actually are the strongest abandon the pursuit of peace, the world is doomed as a safe place for human beings.

I hear the jellyfish are making a comeback.

1 comment:

Bukko Boomeranger said...

How are you going Lindquist? You're from Duluth? I used to live in the Upper Peninsula in the 1980s, up the Copper Country, yah sure. We had more Finns there than Swedes. Listened to the MPR station from Duluth, I think the call letters were WGGL. I could find those letters for sure RIGHT NOW if I wanted to, thanks to the wonders of the Internet. Amazing, that I could be sitting on the other side of the world in Australia and be able to immediately get all sorts of info on a radio station in the north corner of Minnesota.

Your blog is more entertaining than that Hondo who's been an irritant on the Truthdig site. And what's with this stoush between you and that Ed fellow? One of the problems with communicating on the 'net is that it's like talking whilst drunk. The anonymity of it makes people lose the inhibitions that normally moderate pur behaviour (practising my Aussie spelling...) Lets people be as nasty as they want to be, since no one can see their face or punch them in the nose. And like being drunk, it reveals what a person's true inner character is, the way they'd like to behave if there were nothing to keep them in check. Lots of foul characters out there...

Did this not post the first time? Hard to tell with the comment moderation stuff.