The blog of a North Country Swede!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fair labor practice - posted on Huffpo

The basic political question is how to FAIRLY divide (NOT equally divide) the wealth human labor — our mental and physical effort — creates. And ALL wealth is created by human effort.

Oligarchs want to drive the cost of labor down to that of keeping a mule: food, shelter, harness, sustaining rest, and medical care for the breeding stock.

We the people have learned that allowing workers to have a fair share (again, NOT an equal share) from their labor produced the world's most advanced civilization ... and proved once and for all that a vibrant community, rich in arts and thought, is not dependent on a elite class supported by vassals or slaves.

It's simple, full employment with the bottom adult labor rung paid a living wage for a family of 4: food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education and recreation. We are still a wealthy nation with plenty of work to be done, work that would lay the foundation for creating the wealth of tomorrow ... Much as Eisenhower did with the Federal Highway Program.

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Leaders of both major parties are adherents to corporationism: protecting corporations "right" to earn a profit no matter what it costs society. Externalities anyone? (What ever happened to the responsibility to pay for the damage we do?)

Inherent in the elitism of corporationists is the believe and active support of the doctrine that slaves produce the wealth that supports their elite status. This doctrine is carried out in the reduce the cost of labor to that of a mule: food, harness, shelter, training ... and medical care for breeding stock.

A labor/progressive consideration should be the working out of a fair distribution to workers of the wealth their labor -- mental and physical effort -- creates.

A fair distribution of this wealth rests on two principles: (1.) the bottom rung of wages for an adult worker is a living wage -- enough for food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education, and recreation for a family of 4; and (2) full employment whereby every adult worker able and willing to work can get a job.

Our nation is more than wealthy enough to provide full employment with a living wage as the bottom rung. This should be the economic barometer for us, not the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

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