The blog of a North Country Swede!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

As a member of the working class ...

Yes, I am a member of the working class. I earn my living solely through compensation for my labor—my physical and mental efforts. My economic objective in life is not to own things,but to do things. "Owning" supports my "doing," not "doing" supports my "owning."

What is more, I have always been a member of the working class. And my parents before me were working class. That's as far as I take it because my father was an immigrant, as were my mother's parents.

And from that perspective I ask, very simply: What is wrong with American Unions? They don't seem to get the needs of labor. They get the needs of their members ... and in so doing alienate all other workers ... then they wonder why overall membership in unions keeps dropping.

The primary need of workers is to be able to work and earn a living. It's clear then that the primary objective of the labor movement must be to insure that each and every individual able and willing to work can work at a job that earns a living wage ... and not a third world living, but an United States of America living. Period.

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