The blog of a North Country Swede!

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Straussian fascism, continued

Straussian fascism advocates the subversion of democracy by an elite to gain political power.

Leo Strauss, the now deceased guru and idol of Straussian fascism, was a German Jew who watched Hitler come to power in Nazi Germany. He had good reason to suspect the good sense of a majority of the voters. It is a reason continuously raised throughout the development of western civilization: left to the common citizen, will a nation choose the right way? Does mob rule produce any good thing? Those who believe in some version of the preeminent role for a ruling elite have always been with us.

The United States of America dealt with this issue in its constitution through a separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government, and guaranteeing to the common citizen inalienable rights both in our Declaration of Independence and our Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to our constitution. We established a republic and the rule of law to define the boundaries for the herd, thus establishing a workable democracy.

Straussian fascists actively attempt to subvert this democratic foundation whereby political power ultimately derives from the consent of the governed. They believe they are doing this for our own good, to protect us from their definition of the true evil in the world ... evil that can defeat us from within or without.

Straussian fascism teaches that through adherence to a set of philosophical principles as the litmus test of membership in an elite group, that group can gain control of political power in the USA by advancing its members to positions of power in all of the branches of government.

Straussian fascists believe their commitment and specific slant to deciphering philosophical wisdom combined with their willingness to exercise power to achieve their goals will bring about the millennium and protect us from evil ... and are willing to engage in the Battle of Armageddon, if necessary, to do so. They believe that it is this very willingness to be uncompromisingly strong in the pursuit of their philosophical principles that will save our nation from an ignoble end.

The Bush-Cheney cabal, the Neo-cons, the Vulcans, are Straussian fascists.

Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin ... and now the Bush-Cheney cabal ... all were in power during my lifetime. They all have used the tactics of the big lie and magnifying an external threat to attain and retain political power, justifying it by believing they know what is best for the common citizen.

I believe it is dictatorial and secret control by a governing elite that is evil.

"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

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