The blog of a North Country Swede!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

The new economics - Post 4

Concept: A community's wealth is not given to it by God. It arises out of the synergy of the community, comprising the efforts and mores of the community's people, including their leaders ... whose efforts and mores, by the way, may be in conflict with those of the people.

Concept: If a community's people contributes to the production of wealth by their efforts or by their adherence to the rules of the community, they have a rational right to a rationally proportionate share of that wealth. For example, if we expect people not to steal bread when they are hungry in a community with enough bread to go around, then we had better make sure everyone is fed. It is as simple as that. It is irrational to expect others to quietly go off and die so that I can keep eating.

Concept: Raising the broad foundation for sharing does not impose a limit on the height of the solitary pinnacle. It does, however, provide a firmer footing.

Concept: The United States of America has lost its way in the world and become absurd—economically, politically, ethically— BECAUSE we allow the corporate monopolists' dictum of self-interest to trump truth as an ethical value. We are in that situation of just having driven off the cliff and while not yet falling because the thrust of our forward progress still overcomes the pull of gravity, we cannot stay the course and the only change of course left is to crash. Make no mistake, the corporate monopolists in their greed—selling our birthright of core values that would guide us toward oughtness for a pot of porridge—are the root cause ... while the rest of us pray that we will win the lottery before it all comes crashing down.

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