The blog of a North Country Swede!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Thoughts on Bill and Hill(ary)

Bill and Hillary are card-carrying members of the political class that is in bondage to corporate monopolists seeking to make the normal pyramid of wealth distribution into an obelisk on the broad base of low-wage labor.

These are people who believe wealth is dispensed from above by God or an Invisible Hand, and not generated out of the synergy of the community producing goods and services for use and exchange in what should be a rational market.

As an aside: In this drive to amass wealth and power, it seems like our friends of the Judaic-Christian persuasion have forgotten the Biblical concept of Jubilee.

You know, the real wealth of a community is like the potential power in a compressed spring. What can be done if it is freed to work? That wealth resides in the health and education of the people. Leaders who do not understand this are Pharoahs building their tombs.

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