The blog of a North Country Swede!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

USA: The faster it goes, the wobblier it gets

The United States is like an unbalanced flywheel ... the faster it goes, the wobblier it gets.

It's not too hard to figure out why. We do not have anything close to a singular cultural narrative of existence. Political compromise does not put us back in balance, it simply allows us to go faster.

That is the plain, simple fact after listening to the former Governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee, commenting on Michael Moore and his new documentary on the healthcare crisis here in the USA, Sicko—and then going to watch Sicko. Huckabee is quoted as saying: “Michael Moore is an example of why the health care system costs more in this country.” —Ref: The Caucus, Political Blogging from the NY Times, July 11, 2007, 6:09 PM.

We have so many conflicting narratives of existence that significant groups of people believe in as the gospel truth ... from to Catholics, to Charismatic & Rapture Christians, to Jews, to Mormons, to Southern Baptists ... to fundamentalists, to neocons, to one-worlders, to racists, to Zionists ... (to list a smattering of examples) ... compromise does NOT foster cohesion, it simply builds the power of another group, the Politicians in service of the Corporatists.

The problem with an unbalanced flywheel going faster and faster, it self-destructs.

We are watching ourselves fall apart. Mostly because the driver, George W., doesn't want to take his foot off the accelerator lest he be labeled a wimp. And the power elite is so intent on preserving their hold on wealth and power that they are willing to drive off the cliff.

This is the ultimate game of chicken.

To mix metaphors.

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