The blog of a North Country Swede!

Friday, January 04, 2008

A Political Tsunami: Obama's win in Iowa

For those of us who remember Bobby Kennedy's win in California before he was assassinated, Barack Obama's win yesterday in Iowa is a similar earthquake. The energy generated by the audacity of hope in our youth will again transform an epoch.

The youth turnout in support of Obama was huge. It represents an opportunity for we the people to alter the course of our nation in a historic manner. This is a politcal tsunami.

It will be interesting to watch the old guard politicians try to plug the breached dikes.

Note 1: Originally posted as a comment on the Star-Ledger's NJ Voices website in response to the John Farmer's column, For two also-rans, it's crunch time.

Note 2: According to the results of the entrance polls for the Iowa caucuses posted on CNN's website, Obama was supported by 57% of the 17-29 age group, and 42% of the 30-44 year olds.
(See )

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