The blog of a North Country Swede!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Too late for Hillary to go authentic on us

Apparently Hillary Clinton teared up yesterday in her bid to seek the nomination of the Democratic Party for president.
Hillary Rodham Clinton's eyes welled up and her voice broke repeatedly Monday as she talked with voters in a restaurant about her campaign for the presidency.

The former first lady was making a last-minute pitch for support as she spoke on the eve of the state's primary, with polls showing her trailing Democratic rival Barack Obama.

Asked by a sympathetic voter how she keeps going in the grueling campaign, she replied, "It's not easy. It's not easy."

"And I couldn't do it if I just didn't, you know, passionately believe it was the right thing to do," she said, her voice catching.


I can try to understand her feelings. I have witnessed them in others all too frequently now that I am in my 70th year. Here she is having lived her whole life in pursuit of a goal ... clawed, scratched her way to the top of the heap, done everything she thought she had to do to earn the prize ... remnants of opponents strewn left and right ... and it begins to dawn on her that it's been in vain. In fact, the very life she lived is now her biggest obstacle.

It's not fair!

I think she is really saying, "It's not fair, Bill!"

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