The blog of a North Country Swede!

Friday, April 07, 2006

G.W. and the Separatiton of Powers concept

Written as comment #6729 in response to a Ear to the Ground post, "Bush Channels Nixon in Libby Scandal", on,
posted April 6.
Bush hasn't bought the line of the Neocons about the Imperial President, he is the puppet on the end of the line.

Under the United States of America concept of the separation of powers—written into our Constitution—we the people have assumed that the legislative branch of government—the branch theoretically closest to the people—has the power to set limits on government. This is confirmed in at least it's powers to (1.) override an executive veto and (2.) impeach and thereby remove officials of the executive branch.

The fact that Bush #43 has asserted executive power does not diminish the power of legislative branch. It is the failure of the legislative branch to push back that allows the executive branch to encroach on our freedoms.

Simply put, we need to elect a "push back" Congress. We need Representatives and Senators who understand their responsibilities to we the people who are the real rulers of this nation.

It really is quite simple. The Neocons are an elite group who believe they know what is best for the rest of us ... and that we the people cannot be trusted to choose the right path into the future.

Their use of religion affiliation in a political strategy is designed to tap the loyalty of religious peoples to an authority the religious deem anointed and appointed by God. In this construct the doctrine of adherence to God's Word (His authroity) kicks in, and the believers are exhorted to "stay the course" to receive the blessing of God ... the caveat being that if they don't get it here on earth they will be richly rewarded in Heaven.

The Neocons have consistently rewarded the loyal faithful in order to expand their political power. Think of it as a huge pyramid scheme. In their view, power is the key element. It is the struggle to gain power that is the defining human enterprise ... and if you are unwilling to use the power you have then you do not deserve to have it. And with power, you can work your will.

In terms of the Enlightenment, the Neocons are whacko! They mirror the Nazis.

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