The insanity here has reached Alice in Wonderland proportions ...
People who appear to be for the workers are saying we should allow a certain "class" of person (the illegal immigrant) to come and work for lower than prevailing wages under other than prevailing labor standards so businesses can reap higher profits? Or so we can have cheaper goods and services? (And because citizen workers won’t accept these conditions, it "proves" we have to have this new type of exploitation?)
Am I missing something? Oh yes, and one solution is to criminalize this class of workers ... making them even more reluctant to come forward to report illegal treatment by their employers!
Have we gone stark raving mad?
You’re right, there is ANOTHER solution ... forget about what has happened, put the counter back to zero ... reward the illegals who are here and believe it won’t happen again. That IS the definition of insanity!!!
So if a person is willing to risk their life and freedom to come to this country and give us the benefit of what amounts to cheap labor, and they do this for long enough (avoiding all the pitfalls and gotcha traps like on-the-job injury and layoffs and not getting paid ...) ... then we should reward them with full rights and status ... because, I guess, that will mean more will come to take their place in the cheap labor pool ... so we can reap the benefits of their cheap labor?
Doesn't anyone get it? That this is exploitation of people?
What is happening to our country ... that people who say they are for workers would say this is what we should be doing?
Check out Time magazine's photo essay, The Immigrant Plight
Initial draft appeared as comment #6261 on 4/01 at 4:04 am on at:
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