The blog of a North Country Swede!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Ann Coulter is the wardrobe malfunction of Republican politics ...

Of course we all should be talking about Ann Coulter ...

AND that she pushes the Neocon wing (aka wing nuts) of the Republican Party. In fact, every time we mention her we should remind everyone where she is coming from. (The same goes for Karl Rove.) 'Cuz if we want our country to follow their lead ...

Notoriety depends on staying out in front with the most outlandish whatever that IS the most outlandish whatever for the particular genre ... or class ... or type. I mean punk rock ought to have taught us something.

See, Janet Jackson quickly reached the end of the line in wardrobe malfunctions. Ann Coulter can simply utter the next most attention-getting absurdity she can think of ... and instead of being fined by the FCC, she's rewarded with another round of fame and fortune ... continuing to distract people from the real issues. Ain't it a grand old party?

American Idol and Ann Coulter ...

"Meeting the demands of the Roman citizenry for mass public entertainment on a lavish scale, Julius Caesar expanded the Circus around 50 BC."
You go, girl!

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