The blog of a North Country Swede!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Lest we be cursed forever.

Haditha, Falluja, Abu Gharib are only some of the most obvious horror stories of our war in Iraq. And to our eternal shame we go about our lives as if nothing is happening ... those of us who are not directly involved ...

Is there a greater sin for a people?: To not care about what is being done in our name to innocent men, women, and children through no fault of their own, only that someone acting on our behalf has labeled them our enemy?

And we are not caring with our eyes wide open to the suffering. There is no way we can say at some future time, "We didn't know."

My god, where are the prophets to call us to repentance? To decipher the handwriting on the wall? We have become the Ghengis Khan of our age.

We are NOT a Christian nation in the meaning of Jesus as the Christ, the Prince of Peace. What we are is a "Joshua fought the Battle of Jericho" nation, slaughtering the men, women, and children along with the animals ... every living thing in the name of Jehovah.

God save us from ourselves! Lest we be cursed forever.

Please read:

The Occupation of Iraqi Hearts and Minds

A Dig led by Nir Rosen on


Ugly Americans in Iraq

by Nir Rosen on

Check out Nir Rosen directly at:

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