The blog of a North Country Swede!

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Democratic politicians got snookered ... again!

When will the politicians in my party (the one I am registered to vote under) get AHEAD of the curve?

The Big Oil Bushies' A-Team is taking charge ... just like they always do to clean up the messes Junior aka George W. makes.

When the Saudis called Cheney over for that sit-down talking to, they told him to stop screwing up and let the Baker-Gates team do their thing to preserve the Big Oil cartel. We're talking real money here, folks. Mama Bush has been totally upset by what the Cheney-Rumsfeld-neocon gang that couldn't shoot straight did to (with?) her boy. "Do SOMEthing, papa!"

So now we have movement to protect our vital interests as a nation ... which should be accompanied by riding George W. out of town on a rail, tarred and feathered. But, no, them darn Democratic politicians are going to hand this one to the Republicans by getting all in an uproar over General Petraeus ... when the huge majority of Americans trust the General to protect our interests more than the politicians of either party.

See, we the people know we gotta have that petroleum to fuel our vehicles ... and if we don't! Well, Jimmy Carter can tell you what happens if we don't.

And the Saudis (read "Sunnis") want us to have it, too. Translation: This ain't no Vietnam, folks.

Geez loueez, George W. screws up—just like he always does—and now the Democratic politicians are being made to look worse than him! No one could make this stuff up.

Let's face it. Until we are ready to give up our cars, pickups and SUVs ... we're joined at the hip with the Middle East ... and the political party that screws that up is going to have hell to pay down the road.

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