The blog of a North Country Swede!

Friday, September 14, 2007

We won the war and failed the occupation

It's always been about the oil. It's the neocon ideologues who tried to frost the cake with the Zionist agenda (which is NOT synonymous with "Jewish" agenda or even "Israeli" agenda).

Basically it was the Gunfight at the OK Corral between the Cheney gang and the Baker (Street?) Boys. Cheney had the upper hand for a time as he played Junior (aka Bush 43) as the clown puppet he is. Now the Baker(-Gates) front line of the Big Oil Bushies A-team is on the ascendant arc ...

We won the war and failed the occupation ... and now we are federalizing (balkanizing?) Iraq to secure our nation's strategic objective (since when? WWII?) of access to Middle East oil.

And the Democrats' leaders (my party) know full well that it isn't just getting "Vietnam" draped around their necks and jerked, its having odd-even days at the gas pumps coming back. And they damn well remember what happened to Jimmy Carter.

The freedom the majority of Americans will vote to support FIRST, is the freedom to come and go in their cars, pickups, and SUVs.

Pogo said it best, "We have met the enemy and they is us."

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