Harvard economist Kenneth S. Rogoff, who with Carmen M. Reinhart of the University of Maryland has analyzed 800 years of banking crises. “You can study all the financial crises, and there is a common pattern, that the faster you mark down the assets in the financial system and recapitalize the banks,” the sooner the economy recovers, he says. “As long as you leave the banking system sick, you’re not going to have sustained growth.”
There you have it. The financial gurus create the illusion of wealth with variations of Ponzi schemes and other manipulations of the velocity of money and leverage aka borrowing against assets until the bubble they are blowing up can no longer be sustained by the market value of the underlying goods and services we actually need and want ... and the whole thing explodes, forcing the pricing of these goods and services at real market value ... what people are really willing to pay for them outside the illusion of increased value created by the financial schemers aka bankers.
It isn't so much about curing the banks, as it is about getting their excessive illusory wealth wrung out of the money supply, and returning money to its useful place of facilitating the exchange of goods and services that do have value ... their real market value.
Anyone who still thinks the cure is to get the banks to start lending again for the purchase of this generation of goods and services rather than the production of the next generation of goods and services that will in turn create demand ... is out of their ever-loving mind.
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