The blog of a North Country Swede!

Sunday, March 08, 2009

The lesson of these United States of America is simple

The lesson of these United States of America is simple. Reward the individual fairly out of the material wealth his/her labor creates and the dynamism created in the agrregate of individual motivation within our society will create (created) the greatest society known to the human race.

Some thoughts on the subject ...

Material wealth for human beings is produced by the mental and physical effort of human beings.

The mental and physical effort of human beings is what we define as labor.

The primary economic concern of a just society is the fair distribution of material wealth for the labor that created it.

If in a given society the material wealth contained in the assets of production — the land, buildings, and equipment — becomes more and more centralized in their ownership among fewer and fewer individuals, creating a classification of stored wealth separated from the labor that produced those assets, then that society is no longer just in relationship to a fair distribution of material wealth based on the labor that produced that wealth.

And ... if the centralized accumulation of the assets of production attenuates the fair distribution of material wealth, then the dynamism of our society will also be diminished.


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