The blog of a North Country Swede!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Is "a spade" a spade?

Seems like we need some new names for some things, names that are more accurate in describing the fundamental characteristics of what they are meant to describe.

Take "taxes" for instance. Ever since Jesus was credited with saying something like , "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's", we've had this perception that taxes were some kind of imperial toll. They're not.

Taxes are our pool of shared wealth, the amount or resources we choose to use in establishing and maintaining the community in which we all participate.

As our forebears understood, building roads and water systems, providing education and public safety as a joint effort, did not undermine capitalism or initiate communism. The well-run city was a platform for its marketplace. If the platform is rotten ...

But this is so obvious that maybe the real question is whether our pool of shared wealth becomes the onerous imperial toll only when it is used for the benefit of those whom we do not consider to be part of OUR community?

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