The blog of a North Country Swede!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Caught between Hell and global warming

Well, it seems like more than half of us believe that God (the Judaic-Christian God) is in charge of things around here ... so if a disaster strikes then God is either testing us a la Job or punishing us a la Sodom and Gomorrah ... so do we stay the course or repent?

The Fundamentalist Christians are inclined to stay the course and have the rest of us repent.

You see, if you are a Fundamentalist Christian (I can speak with some authority on the subject, having been raised as one) then doing anything that looks like you don't believe in the eminent Return of the Lord Jesus Christ makes it appear that you don't have the faith required for salvation. Now THAT is being caught between a rock and hard place. Or should we say between the warmth of Hell and global warming?

It does get a wee bit dicey when they start pushing the run-up to the Battle of Armageddon over the oil in Mesopotamia.

But then we have the evangelicals talking about being good stewards of Earth ... you know, this God-thing can get confusing.

Maybe it's like the existentialists say, it really doesn't matter if there is a God or not ... we are still stuck with being aware of our existence and—because we are aware—having to choose. That makes a lot of sense to me these days.

Originally written as comment #6392 on 4/04 at 7:53 am on

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