Initially written April 11 as comment #6883 in response to Molly Ivins report "The Daily Drip of Special Favors for Special Interests" on
2006: The Year of the People aka Throw the bums out!
The Neocons use the tactics of a street gang or junior high rich kid playground bully to gain power and we let them! My god, what have we become!
Get a grip, America. The Neocons have no claim on enlightenment. They are a bunch of thugs. Look at their tactics: they reward loyalty and punish disloyalty allowing no dissent, focusing on expanding the power base. I mean they openly say, "If you deviate from the talking points, we will cream you."
There is nothing rational about what is going on in our country. I would amend Lincoln's words as follows: “Corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices [AND FEARS] of the people until all wealth is aggregated in few hands and the republic is destroyed.”
We are so afraid of losing our good jobs that we, in fact, are losing our good jobs.
We are so afraid of someone we label undeserving having healthcare that we are losing our own healthcare.
We are so afraid of terrorists that we have become terrorists. (Look up the definition in the dictionary.)
The list of the negative outcomes of our fears is endless, because that is what happens when people are afraid.
We the people have exchanged our birthright of inalienable rights for all, for the porridge of material wealth. The lesson (from the Neocons' Fundamentalist Christian Bible, by the way) is that by doing so, we lose both our rights and our wealth.
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