The blog of a North Country Swede!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Gauntanamo, Abu Ghraib ... Chicago

Gauntanamo, Abu Ghraib ... Chicago

Answer: Torture

Question: What do Gauntanamo, Abu Ghraib, and Chicago have in common?

Get a grip on yourself ... this scandal in Chicago has been going on a long time. The documented beginning for this particular sequence of criminal acts by Chicago police officers is 1971.


Quoting John Conroy, author of the book, Unspeakable Acts, Ordinary People: The Dynamics of Torture:

"[The report on the torture by the police officers] was out in 1990, when we did the story in the Chicago Reader, the first story, and we’ve done more than 100,000 words since. And I think that what's dragged on -- the reason why it's dragged on -- [...] -- is that there is no community outrage. People don't care. As in every society in which people are tortured, there's a torture book class in Chicago. It's African American men, most of them with criminal records. And they’re just beyond the pale of our compassion. We just don't care.", Tuesday, May 9th, 2006
Chicago's Abu Ghraib: UN Committee Against Torture Hears Report on How Police Tortured Over 135 African-American Men Inside Chicago Jails

1 comment:

Kitty said...

And Chicago is a Democrat stronghold, too!