The blog of a North Country Swede!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

You have to hand it to Baker and Gates, the Big Oil Bushies' A-Team front line ...

They--Baker and Gates--know what the hell they are doing.

And they ARE protecting the clearly defined strategic interests of our nation even if it means losing the 2008 election to the Democrats ... which is me, because I'm registered as a Democrat to vote.

And this is the huge difference between the talking heads type of leadership of my Democratic party and the serious professionals in the global arena. The top professionals like Baker and Gates are focused on achieving results.

Do you notice how Cheney is moving farther and farther into the background? God, what a deranged ideologue that guy was ... is, rather. Talk about the man behind the curtain in Wizard of Oz! Of course, Cheney knew how to make Junior--aka President Bush 43--think he (Junior) was President in more than title. What a mess!

And guess what? The Bush family pros are cleaning Junior's mess up once again. And I say, THANK GOD!

I mean, for chrissake, Baker handed the Democrats political leaders a bipartisan solution to Iraq in the policy recommendations of the report of the Iraq Study Group ... and they couldn't handle it! See, the Democratic pols are too worried about the 2008 election to focus on what is best for our nation. They simply think getting Democrats elected is ipso facto best. (Tell THAT to us folks in New Jersey, and you will have us rolling in the aisles ... laughing.)

Think about it, Bush threatened to veto anything he didn't like. So? Then he's left with nothing! The Democrats couldn't handle that. How the hell does anyone think they can handle a culture with young men and women willing to commit suicide for their beliefs?

And then we have all those Cheney-Rumsfeld-neocon clowns ... all of 'em hiding behind Cheney's juicing the imperial presidency concept of unitary executive powers with Junior as President? Baker must have seen the trainwreck coming over the horizon. (Personally, I think it was Barbara Bush who intervened. "You have to do SOMEthing, Papa. They're creaming our boy.")

Geez loueez ... if it weren't for people like Mitch McConnell I might even register as a Republican so I could vote for Ron Paul in the primaries.

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