The blog of a North Country Swede!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Comments on PBS Frontline's "The Dark Side" about Dick Cheney

Well, it`s clear that the quagmire in Iraq belongs unequivically to the Bush-Cheney-Rice-Rumsfeld gang. I think Frontline did a pretty good job of credibly documenting who is responsible for getting us here and how they went about it.

What was Cheney thinking? That`s not too difficult to figure out. He and Rumsfeld believe in the effectiveness of military power to achieve strategic goals when the President has unimpeded executive authority.

And they had a goal: to protect our nation`s access to oil, the energy we need for continued world domination without resorting to nuking the opposition … which would have really, REALLY bad consequences.

Too bad they screwed it up.

Wow, did they ever screw it up! Iraq didn`t have WMD (weapons of mass destruction) ... nor were we welcomed with strewn flowers at our soldiers feet … and now Iran is allying itself with a government of Iraq that we USHERED in while Iran thumbs its nose at us on nuclear technology … and North Korea stockpiles nukes as it prepares to launch a longer range missle … and Russia and China increase their influence vis-à-vis our global interests.

And the Bush-Cheney-Rice-Rumsfeld solution? “Stay the course!” And they say it with a straight face.

What’s the definition of insanity? When we keep doing the same thing and expect different results.

Note: Originally written (slightly edited here) as a comment (Hilding Lindquist | 6/20/2006, 11:18 pm EST) in response to the "Open Thread: Watching Dick Cheney" thread in the National Affairs section of

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