The blog of a North Country Swede!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Give 'em Hell, Molly!

Note: Originally written and posted in response to Molly Ivins' column, "Bush's Hawaiian Education" on in which she wrote:

"In case you haven’t been following this, the Superfund is broke and has been largely inactive for four years. The fund was allowed to run dry when Congress failed to renew the tax on polluters. You may not believe this, but the oil and chemical companies complained mightily about being asked to pay for the cleanup of messes they had created. What a concept.

"Other environmental controversies continue to simmer all the time—out of sight, out of mind. Just one more regulation chopped here, just one more law changed there, just a little information hidden.

"But do be sure to give Bush credit for declaring the already protected Northwestern Hawaiian Islands a national monument. That’s a good thing. Is there an election any time soon?"

Election? Shouldn't there be a modifier in front of that like in "rigged election"?

You know if what is going on now doesn't make "we the people" angry enough to take our country back from the self-serving myopic elitist oligarchy (the Oil Neocons) now running things ... then we the people don't deserve to be in charge around here.

What these Oil Neocons don't seem to understand while preaching free markets is that having a closed clique in power (oligarchy, dictatorship, divine right of kings/queens, etc.) is conversely proportional to a creative, vibrant society ... if their power goes up, the society goes done. In simple language, for all their vaunted brilliance, they're idiots! Actually, they are plain old garden-variety greedy bastards.

You know, a person might even acquiesce for awhile --like under the rule of a benevolent king--if the Neocons weren't so damn incompetent. They've taken a darn good country--one of the best (if not THE best) ever--and run it into the ground.

And then they try to tell we the people that we shouldn't be upset?! Are they kidding us?

Give 'em Hell, Molly! The Good Book promises that the Truth will make us free.Election?
"During a speech by Truman attacking the Republicans during the 1948 Presidential election campaign a supporter yelled out, 'Give 'em Hell, Harry!'. Truman replied, 'I don't give them Hell. I just tell the truth about them and they think it's Hell.' " -wikipedia

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